
Bank Saint Petersburg is the largest private bank in Northwest Russia. The financial services provided by the Bank support the local development of the region and its sustainable economic growth, as well as helping individual customers to reach their financial targets.

Services for customers still constitute the core of the Bank’s business. The Bank has ca. 2 000 000 individual customers and 55 000 corporate customers. Its proximity to customers, high processing speed, and flexibility of decisions remain the traditional advantages of Bank Saint Petersburg in the Northwest Region. Combined with the introduction of new quality standards for all operations, settlements and services, these factors determine the Bank’s contribution to the social and economic growth of the Russian Northwest.

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Bank Saint Petersburg is one of the largest employers in the North West Region of Russia, employing 4,407 people (as of December 31, 2021).

The staffing level as of the end of 2021 increased and remains high relative to the market (92.4%). During the last year, the Bank employed 1,302 people, which is more than before the pandemic (52% more than in 2020).  Thanks to higher efficiency of the recruitment process, the Bank has reduced the vacancy closing period for uniform staff pools by five days.

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Bank Saint Petersburg attaches great importance to the successful development of the regions of its presence, strictly adhering to social responsibility principles in its business operations.

Bank Saint Petersburg attaches great importance to the successful development of the regions of its presence, strictly adhering to social responsibility principles in its business operations.

The Bank pays particular attention to the following three groups of social responsibility initiatives: supporting underprivileged children, developing the urban environment, and encouraging financial awareness.

In 2020 the society faced coronavirus pandemic. The problems it incurred significantly influences social sphere. The Bank strived to help its local community in the difficult situation.

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