Bank Saint Petersburg is the largest private bank in Northwest Russia. The financial services provided by the Bank support the local development of the region and its sustainable economic growth, as well as helping individual customers to reach their financial targets.

Services for customers still constitute the core of the Bank’s business. The Bank has ca. 2 000 000 individual customers and 55 000 corporate customers. Its proximity to customers, high processing speed, and flexibility of decisions remain the traditional advantages of Bank Saint Petersburg in the Northwest Region. Combined with the introduction of new quality standards for all operations, settlements and services, these factors determine the Bank’s contribution to the social and economic growth of the Russian Northwest.

The Bank continues to develop its branch network in St. Petersburg, creating the most up-to-date and convenient outlets, lending centers and round-the-clock service locations. As of January 1, 2022, the Bank’s customer service network comprises 65 outlets and six Mortgage Lending Centers. The numbers of ATMs and POS terminals amounted to 789 units.

Open space provides proper attention to each customer, while spatial zoning is fully aligned with the needs of various customer groups. At the office entrance, there is an extended 24-hour self-service zone. The main part of the office is divided into an operational service zone (for quick operations), a zone for more time-consuming operations, and the cash-desk zone. There is a comfortable waiting area between these zones. At the same time, individual customer services are provided separately, in a designated area away from the main office zones. This Premium zone is for VIP customer services and there is a special room for confidential meetings.

The i2B Internet Bank is currently used by more than 99% corporate customers of Bank Saint Petersburg, with 99% of payments and FX transactions being handled remotely.

Proximity to customers

High speed and flexibility of the decision-making process

High quality service

Provision of equal access to products and services of the bank

Information security

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