The e-banking system for retail customers, Internet Bank, accessible at, is the principal online channel for the customers of Bank Saint Petersburg, offering increasingly better services and solutions at more favorable prices. The number of individuals who have signed up for showed a growth of 13% in 2021: from 1,482,000 to 1,671,000. One-third of the city’s economically active population has access to, and every third customer of the Bank uses the mobile banking application: The number of active users exceeded 536,000 per month with the number of app uses exceeding 12.4 mln per month. The share of users of the mobile banking application reached 85% of the total number of Internet Bank users.

In 2021, Bank Saint Petersburg presented a new mobile bank solution for the convenient use of its financial services — and only them — to the exclusion of any diversion to non-core services of eco environments.  IT is an easy and plain self-explanatory natural environment for handling finance on your mobile phone that is not bloated with superfluous features.

When launching the BSPB 2021 mobile banking app, we relied on the international best practices for the creation of digital services, and all the options were implemented bearing in mind requests from users who become directly involved in the creation of a perfect mobile banking solution. The Bank will pay heed to user needs when introducing new services and capabilities. And these will be the services our clients ask for.

Intuitive and fast navigation is the main feature of the 2021 mobile banking app. It takes the minimum number of steps to complete any transaction. The new mobile banking service does not require too much thinking to take any actions which are easy and totally the same as you usually take in other apps or when using smartphone features. Thus, the Bank has kept the functionality of the mobile banking service at its maximum, while making all the actions easy and plain.

The focus of the new mobile banking app is on daily banking, meaning that all usual transactions that a client does on a daily basis are available in the launch version: already now you can work with your current accounts, cards, deposits, etc. Payments and transfers are implemented as a separate section, where one click is enough to manage transactions that are most relevant today, such as transfers using a phone number (Instant Payment System), transfers between your own accounts, foreign currency exchange, transfers using an account number, auto payments, QR based payments, and payments for all types of services.

The BSPB 2021 mobile banking service features a new payment format using a high-precision QR scanner. A unique scanner developed by the Russian AI developer Smart Engines has been implemented in the Bank Saint Petersburg’s mobile banking app for reading QR codes. Besides, the BSPB 2021 has an online chat where clients can receive real-time support from the Bank’s staff.

The subscriptions and auto payment service allows you to subscribe for a list of vendors who issue invoices for services with an exact amount for a period. When an invoice is received, the Bank issues a notification and the client can make payment in just one click without filling out any forms. You can even avoid the need to do this in one click by enabling the auto payment feature for invoices to be paid for on the day it should be done. Auto transfer is a feature for regular transfers of a specific amount of money on a specific day that may be set up in the address of the service provider, person or entity.

The old BSPB mobile app already had many of the services. But for this new BSPB 2021, our team has upgraded every feature by working thoroughly to make the services easier, more convenient and workable.

The share of loans applied for by our clients via digital channels is increasing every month. In mid-2019, it was 43% and in 2020, the number of loans issued remotely exceeded 60%. In 2021, online loans accounted for 74% of total loans issued by Bank Saint Petersburg.

Today, you can complete all the steps to receive a loan from Bank Saint Petersburg without leaving your home: from filling out an application to crediting the loan to your account — all these are available in the online banking service or mobile banking app.

The average size of consumer loans issued online is currently RUB 450,000. Most frequently, such loans are issued for four years. The most popular loan purposes are apartment renovation, building and landscaping on country estates, or a major purchase, such as household appliances.  Most of the clients applying for loans online are men, accounting for 52% of all loans issued, while women account for 48% of total loans.

Repayment of a loan applied for online from Bank Saint Petersburg can also be done remotely (without visiting the Bank’s office).

In order to move mortgage applications online, Bank Saint Petersburg has shifted to heavier reliance on SmartDeal, a digital platform in real estate. This will make mortgage transactions even faster, easier and more convenient for the Bank’s customers. SmartDeal is a platform for digital communication with the Federal Service for State Registration, Cadaster and Cartography (Rosreyestr) and one of the major e-service providers in Russia.

With SmartDeal, all paperwork with Rosreyestr can be processed online. This makes registration of sale transactions two to three times faster and the client’s digital signature is issued in just a matter of minutes. The Bank’s interactions with developers are now also easier to organize, as our partners can work with a transaction within the same interface. A significant number of developers already use SmartDeal, which has been an important factor for the Bank to choose this digital platform. By using SmartDeal, Bank Saint Petersburg has doubled the percentage of electronic transactions in one month.

Online service for retail customers

Online service for corporate customers

Dynamics of key digitalization indicators over 5 years

IT support of business operations

A new it monitoring center

Transition of the key it progress to cloud resourses

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