The Bank continues to improve its performance by offering a wide range of cutting-edge banking services to small, medium and large-sized enterprises, taking into account each customer group’s particular requirements and interests.
To date, Bank Saint Petersburg has ca. 55 000 corporate customers. The Bank’s corporate banking business remains primarily focused on the regional market of St. Petersburg. In addition, the Bank strengthened its positions in Kaliningrad in 2015 through the creation of its Evropeisky Branch, which currently has over 8 000 corporate customers (Bank Saint Petersburg completed the integration of Bank Evropeisky in Kaliningrad, reorganizing it together with the Bank’s Kaliningrad Branch into the new Evropeisky Branch). In 2016, Bank Saint Petersburg strengthened its presence outside the domestic Northwest region: The Bank opened a representative office targeted at corporate customers in Novosibirsk. Since December 2020 Nevsky Branch started carrying out banking operations and providing a full range of banking services to its individual and corporate customers instead of a representative office.
In 2021, the Bank continued its expansion across Russia by opening two new representative offices in Rostov-on-Don and Krasnodar. Bank Saint Petersburg is ready to offer its unique know-hows in the field of small and medium-sized business support in its new regions of presence. Bank Saint Petersburg currently offers companies in the South of Russia a wide range of traditional banking tools for lending, bank guarantees, services and support for international business transactions, and many other services, along with customized solutions geared to particular business needs of companies in different sectors.
In the Rostov Region, we are already cooperating successfully with large enterprises in different industries, with a special focus on mechanical engineering, road construction, agricultural industry, including support to agricultural exporters. The Bank’s representative office in Krasnodar has ambitious goals, too. The main focus of Bank Saint Petersburg’s activities in the South of Russia is to support large and medium-sized businesses in the following sectors: mechanical engineering, road construction, agriculture, food industry, chemicals, etc.
In St. Petersburg, four sectoral departments provide services to large and medium businesses. Specialization of employees in companies of particular sectors allows to develop and maintain a high level of sectoral expertise, understand business specifics of customer service and tailor products to customer needs.
Loans to legal entities represent 73.7% of the total loan portfolio. The breakdown of the Bank’s corporate portfolio by sector reflects St. Petersburg’s economic structure, which has a high proportion of construction, real estate, trade and production, allowing the Bank to benefit from all the advantages of the region’s economic structure, as well as to contribute to its development.
The Bank continues to improve its performance by offering a wide range of cutting-edge banking services to small, medium and large-sized enterprises, taking into account each customer group’s particular requirements and interests.
To date, Bank Saint Petersburg has ca. 55 000 corporate customers. The Bank’s corporate banking business remains primarily focused on the regional market of St. Petersburg. In addition, the Bank strengthened its positions in Kaliningrad in 2015 through the creation of its Evropeisky Branch, which currently has over 8 000 corporate customers (Bank Saint Petersburg completed the integration of Bank Evropeisky in Kaliningrad, reorganizing it together with the Bank’s Kaliningrad Branch into the new Evropeisky Branch). In 2016, Bank Saint Petersburg strengthened its presence outside the domestic Northwest region: The Bank opened a representative office targeted at corporate customers in Novosibirsk. Since December 2020 Nevsky Branch started carrying out banking operations and providing a full range of banking services to its individual and corporate customers instead of a representative office.
In 2021, the Bank continued its expansion across Russia by opening two new representative offices in Rostov-on-Don and Krasnodar. Bank Saint Petersburg is ready to offer its unique know-hows in the field of small and medium-sized business support in its new regions of presence. Bank Saint Petersburg currently offers companies in the South of Russia a wide range of traditional banking tools for lending, bank guarantees, services and support for international business transactions, and many other services, along with customized solutions geared to particular business needs of companies in different sectors.
In the Rostov Region, we are already cooperating successfully with large enterprises in different industries, with a special focus on mechanical engineering, road construction, agricultural industry, including support to agricultural exporters. The Bank’s representative office in Krasnodar has ambitious goals, too. The main focus of Bank Saint Petersburg’s activities in the South of Russia is to support large and medium-sized businesses in the following sectors: mechanical engineering, road construction, agriculture, food industry, chemicals, etc.
In St. Petersburg, four sectoral departments provide services to large and medium businesses. Specialization of employees in companies of particular sectors allows to develop and maintain a high level of sectoral expertise, understand business specifics of customer service and tailor products to customer needs.
Loans to legal entities represent 73.7% of the total loan portfolio. The breakdown of the Bank’s corporate portfolio by sector reflects St. Petersburg’s economic structure, which has a high proportion of construction, real estate, trade and production, allowing the Bank to benefit from all the advantages of the region’s economic structure, as well as to contribute to its development.
Bank Saint Petersburg strives to become the leading settlement bank for residents and enterprises in St. Petersburg engaged in payments and settlements with customers and suppliers.
The Bank issues corporate cards to be used by company employees to cover their travel expenses and current expenses related to the company’s operations. Payments for products and services can also be made online. A corporate card is a universal and safe tool for accessing company funds round-the-clock without the need to visit the Bank’s office: payments for goods and services are carried out by one touch thanks to modern payment services; cash deposits can be made and withdrawn 24/7/365 through the wide network of ATMs. All corporate cards issued by Bank Saint Petersburg support the cutting-edge mobile payment technology. Moreover, customers may open a corporate card account and order their first card via Internet Bank i2B.
The line of the Bank’s settlement packages is adapted for the key needs of SME customers – both for just starting its operations to actively developing. So, in 2021 the Bank updated its SME settlement package deals by introducing “Business.Start” – a new package deal for beginners. “Business.Start” allows to begin working with the Bank by gaining access to the bundle of the main services – opening an account, payments, transfer limits etc.
Tariffs for SMEs are simple and transparent – without hidden payments or commissions. Opening a settlement account, transfers between accounts within the Bank, access to the Internet Bank and banking app all cost 0 RUB. Every package contains the most needed products and services – acquiring terminal free rental, free commission and service of corporate cards, free payroll projects and online-register rentals on a bargain price.
The Bank continued to open procurement participant accounts according to 44-FZ in Internet Bank i2B.
The Bank provides a wide range of banking services connected with cash transactions in the regional markets of both St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region, including receipt collection, payments, foreign exchange, cash re-counting, the delivery of cash wages to customers, and loading ATMs and payment kiosks.
The year 2021 was dominated by the need to preserve and support businesses in the context of the pandemic and optimize performance in the new environment while maintaining a high level of customer service. The Bank performed 138 700 cash collection visits, of which 104 100 were directly to our customers, 22 700 were to maintain and replenish cash in the Bank’s ATMs, and 11 900 visits were made to support the Bank’s own divisions. In 2021, the Bank transported and processed RUB 440.7 bn in cash.
To reach its strategic goals, Bank Saint Petersburg is striving to create a product range that matches the interests of its corporate customers as much as possible. Despite the challenging macroeconomic situation, the Bank continues to provide corporate lending to companies from various industry sectors and is strengthening its positions in this market segment. In addition to granting new loans, the Bank is also improving the terms of already existing loans, which indicates general financial sector recovery.
As of January 1, 2022 the Bank’s corporate loan portfolio amounted to RUB 378.6 bn, +10.1% compared with January 1, 2021. It was mainly connected to the economic recovery after the 2020 decrease due to coronavirus pandemic. 59% of the portfolio was attributed to the HQ in Saint Petersburg. Regional offices also successfully realized large lending deals, demonstrating high client orientation and expertise in a vast array of sectors. So, the share of Moscow branch amounted to 33% of the portfolio, 5% in Novosibirsk and 3% in Kaliningrad.

Corporate portfolio divided by the regions as of 01.01.2022
The trading industry was the most positively affected by the economic recovery. Loan portfolio in this sector increased by 57% up to RUB 73.9 bn in 2021, its share leaping from 14% in 2020 to 20% in 2021. Other significant shares are also attributed to the following industries: Leasing & financial servies (RUB 65.0 bn, 17% share), Real estate (RUB 39.1 bn, 10% share), Heavy machinery (RUB 37.5 bn, 10% share), Oil & gas (RUB 36.9 bn, 10% share).

Corporate portfolio divided by the industries
Bank Saint Petersburg has been constantly improving service packages for SMEs, making their best to tailor its services to satisfy the widest range of demands which both start-ups and adult companies may have.
Cash and settlement services of Bank Saint Petersburg for SMEs include the following service packages: “Delovoy.Start”, “Delovoy. Light”, “Delovoy.Standard”, “Delovoy.Complex” and “Delovoy.Sam”. The packages include the most popular banking products and services for SMEs, which are cash and settlement services, business cards, acquiring, payroll projects.
In 2021, Bank Saint Petersburg expanded a range of service packages for cash and settlement services provided to SMEs, adding a unique package called “Delovoy.Sam” tailored for individual entrepreneurs using a tax regime for the self-employed. The “Delovoy.Sam” package allows to hold a status of the Individual Entrepreneur and enjoy the benefits of a special tax regime and, if necessary, quickly change the tax regime and continue to carry out business without re-registration, licensing and entering into the agreements with customers and partners.
Since November it has become possible for SMEs and individual entrepreneurs actively using wireless transfers to get services under all cash and settlement service packages for a fee of RUB 1 per month. The Bank’s customers highly appreciated such initiatives. For instance, the level of NPS for cash and settlement services (according to the IPSOS research) exceeded 57%, which is the highest in the history of research.
In 2021 a new product “Overdraft-50” was added to the range of overdrafts for SMEs, which will allow companies and individual entrepreneurs to get financing of up to RUB 50 mln. within a short period of time based on the reduced list of documents to be submitted.
Also in 2021 Bank Saint-Petersburg announced a launch of branch-free model of providing services. A new format of online services was first applied on the Krasnodarski Krai territory and now businessmen from the south of Russia may enjoy the best programs offered by Bank Saint Petersburg to SMEs.